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SkinCeuticals Authorized Retailer in Orange County

Science-Based Antioxidant Skincare

Since its conception in 1997, SkinCeuticals has become a longstanding leader in advanced skincare products, basing its formulas on the understanding that healthy skin comes from proper protection as much as nourishment. Antioxidant formulas neutralize the free radicals that damage your skin from the outside and contribute to the development of fine lines, wrinkles, and discoloration. SkinCeuticals offers the perfect way to compliment your in-office treatments with a revolutionary, science-based skincare regimen designed specifically for you. With SkinCeuticals Newport Beach plastic surgeon, Dr. Brandon Richland can help you achieve life-changing, long-lasting results through a well-rounded and personalized skincare regimen, just as he tailors your in-office therapies to suit every aspect of your needs. As a result, Huntington Beach and Newport Beach SkinCeutidcals patients can expect comprehensive care that continues long after you leave our office.

Newport Beach skinceuticals provider Dr. Brandon Richland

About SkinCeuticals

What are Free Radicals?

Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons.

These molecules, which are extremely unstable and chemically reactive, come from pollution, UV rays, poor diet, stress, and other factors like alcohol and cigarette smoke. Increased awareness of the sun’s impact on skin health has led to more and more people wearing sunscreen on a regular basis. However, sunscreen may only protect your skin from a portion of the free radicals it’s exposed to.

SkinCeuticals combines free radical protection with topical antioxidants to provide your skin with the protection that it needs to neutralize the threat of free radicals. SkinCeuticals antioxidants protect the skin 8x more than sunscreen alone.

Schedule a consultation with board-certified Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon Richland to learn more about which products within the SkinCeuticals family can provide you with the best results specific for your skin type and skin concern.

SkinCeuticals FAQs

You will achieve a noticeable difference in your skin's texture, coloration, and overall appearance as soon as two weeks when applying your products as directed. However, full results may take several months.

Yes. SkinCeuticals is professional-grade, which is one of the reasons it is only available through authorized retailers.

It really depends on your skin concern: Anti-aging, discoloration, acne vs. sensitized skin, or a combination of the above. SkinCeuticals has a specific regimen catered to each individual's skin concerns. While all of the products within the line are subject to the same exceptionally high standards, CE Ferulic is the number one selling medical-grade product globally and is considered their "holy grail" product. It contains a high concentration of Vitamin C to even your skin tone, brighten, and combat signs of aging while offering intense protection against free radicals.


Discover the difference Dr. Richland’s expertise can make in your life.

The journey to your ideal look and life should be one of excitement and assuredness. With Dr. Brandon Richland, you can expect nothing short of excellence from your initial consultation to the moment you realize your final results. Take the first step to realizing your aesthetic goals by scheduling a consultation in Newport Beach, Fountain Valley or Huntington Beach. Please complete this form to request an in-person consultation or click here for a Virtual Consultation.

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