The Ultimate Solution to Excess Arm Tissue
Loose skin and excess fat can cause the arms to develop “bat wings” or extra fatty tissue that hangs down when the arms are extended horizontally. This common condition can contribute to self-consciousness when wearing sleeveless tops, swimsuits, or lingerie. Dr. Richland strives to deliver the best brachioplasty Newport Beach has to offer. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available to effectively contour the arms to reveal a sleek, toned look. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Brandon Richland offers such arm rejuvenating procedures as a full brachioplasty, mini arm lift, liposuction, and Renuvion in Newport Beach, CA. Arm lift procedures with Dr. Richland produce beautifully natural-looking results, so you can wear what you want with confidence.
Newport Beach brachioplasty patients who are undergoing the minimally invasive arm lift using Renuvion and liposuction can elect to have the procedure either performed under local anesthesia in the office or in the operating room under general anesthesia for added comfort. The Renuvion procedure is a dynamic two-step process in which liposuction is performed first to sculpt a slimmer and more toned arm. Then, the Renuvion probe is gently inserted under the skin through the existing liposuction incisions to tighten the skin.
With the advanced Renuvion plasma technology, Dr. Richland can often help patients avoid the scar and recovery of a full arm lift. Because of the skin tightening effect of Renuvion, Dr. Richland is able to remove more fat and create a more shapely and defined arm contour than with liposuction alone.
With a mini or full arm lift, liposuction is usually added as well. If this is the case, liposuction is performed first to remove the excess fat and slim the arm. Then the arm lift is performed to remove the excess skin and create a smooth contour. A mini arm lift incision is hidden in the armpit, while the full arm lift incision extends from the inner elbow to the armpit on the inside of the arm.
Dr. Richland’s in-depth consultation process ensures that you receive the best treatment for your needs and ultimately achieve your desired results. Dr. Richland will assess the condition of your arms, including your skin’s elasticity and how much excess fat is present. He will also ask you about your health, lifestyle, treatment preferences, and desired outcome. Based on his assessment, he will present you with your best treatment options to design your personalized treatment plan.
After a Brachioplasty, your arms will be wrapped with compressive ace bandages to minimize swelling and expedite the healing process. After one week, you will be placed in an arm compression garment. You will be able to return to your usual activities and work, excluding strenuous physical activity, after several weeks. You will be advised to avoid any heavy lifting for four to six weeks. Recovery from Renuvion and/or liposuction is similar, though significantly less extensive. After the procedure, your arms will be wrapped with a compressive ace bandage, which will then be changed to an arm compression garment after one week. You will be able to return to your usual activities and work within just a few days, although you will need to avoid heavy lifting with your arms for several weeks.
personalized arm lift
If you are interested in finally achieving the toned, sculpted arms you want, schedule your consultation with Dr. Richland for your personalized brachioplasty. Dr. Richland serves patients in the Newport Beach and Huntington Beach areas.
Following the procedure, our Newport Beach brachioplasty patients can look forward to a more sculpted look, free of excess tissue that makes your arms appear less youthful and fit. You’ll feel more confident and stress-free exposing your arms, able to embrace every opportunity without self-consciousness.
You may be eligible for a minimally invasive arm lift with Renuvion and liposuction if you are younger with mild to moderate skin and tissue excess of the upper arm. This treatment combines powerful skin tightening RF plasma technology to allow appropriate candidates to avoid the full Brachioplasty scar and instead have only several small liposuction sites.
For a full arm lift, Dr. Richland hides the incision on the inside of the arm, from the inner elbow to the armpit. In this way, the incision is generally not noticeable in daily life unless the upper arm is rotated outward. For a mini arm lift, the incision is hidden high in the armpit to minimize visibility.
For a minimally invasive arm lift with liposuction and Renuvion, Dr. Richland will make very small incisions a few milimeters in length, just large enough to insert the cannula. Once healed, you can expect minimal, virtually unnoticeable scarring.
Yes, all surgical procedures leave a scar. However, Dr. Richland hides the scar in the inner arm or armpit and uses advanced resuspension techniques to help reduce and minimize scarring.
While the full and mini arm lifts are both performed at a surgical center, an arm lift using Renuvion and liposuction can be performed in-office for a comfortable and convenient treatment experience.
Discover the difference Dr. Richland’s expertise can make in your life.
The journey to your ideal look and life should be one of excitement and assuredness. With Dr. Brandon Richland, you can expect nothing short of excellence from your initial consultation to the moment you realize your final results. Take the first step to realizing your aesthetic goals by scheduling a consultation in Newport Beach, Fountain Valley or Huntington Beach. Please complete this form to request an in-person consultation or click here for a Virtual Consultation.
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